Tuesday, December 6, 2011

garlic skins before compost

How do you feel about eating savory foods for breakfast? (I'm currently nibbling: brown rice pasta, roasted squash, garden pesto. Punkrock.)

In other news: I'm traveling to New Mexico later this week and rather than listen to crappy hip-hop on repeat (LOVE!) I thought I would try to generate a few brain cells, rather than lose them. I checked out two audio books from the library yesterday, the first of which is: These Is My Words by Sarah Agnes Prine. Her diary begins in 1881 and walks readers, as far as I can tell, through her life exploring and crossing the Arizona Territories. The second book is Jeffery Eugindes' The Marriage Plot!

Of note: I reserved Jeffery's audio book last week and it's now in my hands; my friend Katie reserved the book-book and she's #287 in the wait line. If you're in Katie's camp, and you don't mind wearing headphones for the next three days, try reserving the audio version.

1 comment:

emilyadi said...

I love crappy hip-hop. I used to truly hate it. Then...something changed in me. I see its value.