Sunday, December 25, 2011


Winter salad with lettuce and arugula from Menlo Park!
Topped with roasted butternut squash, pear, avocados (we have boatloads), scallion and a citrus dressing (with oranges we picked from our droopy tree).

A pizza for the 'rents that kinda looks like a Christmas tree. (Just squint.)
Shmeared dough with sun-dried tomato pesto. Sautéed the hell out of a couple purple onions and mushrooms with balsamic vinegar and honey and layered 'em with red pepper (from Willow!) and mozzarella.

We also slurped some tomato-basil soup with chunks of fennel. I forgot to take a photo.

Then I went bonkers as my mom tried to take "One decent photo of The Kid." Twenty two photographs later, she gave up.

1 comment:

Gina said...

LOVE THIS, Reg! <3